Meeting Time: June 23, 2020 at 9:00am PDT

Agenda Item

6b) Discussion and Possible Action Including Direction to County Counsel to Draft Necessary Framework (including Preparation of a Resolution and Ordinance) to Establish Citizens Advisory Committee for Law Enforcement Oversight and Present Said Framework to the Board of Supervisors within 30 Days (Sponsors: Supervisors Haschak and Williams)

Legislation Text Williams_CACLEO_Ordinance Williams_CACLEO_Resolution 06-19-20 Corey Correspondence 06-19-20 Bowers Correspondence 06-19-20 Stavely Correspondence 06-19-20 Holub Correspondence 06-19-20 Plank Correspondence 06-19-20 Watkins Correspondence 06-19-20 Reinhard Correspondence 06-19-20 Schwartz Correspondence 06-19-20 Finney Correspondence 06-19-20 Antler Correspondence 06-20-20 Gill Correspondence 06-20-20 Rose Corresondence 06-20-20 Davis Correspondence 06-20-20 Sprague Correspondence 06-20-20 Glass Correspondence 06-20-20 Schiro Correspondence 06-20-20 Courtney Correspondence 06-21-20 Ciancutti Correspondence 06-21-20 Childs Correspondence 06-21-20 Niderost Correspondence 06-21-20 Miller Correspondence 06-21-20 Durkee Correspondence 06-21-20 Stockel Correspondence 06-21-20 Melanie Correspondence 06-22-20 Gurney Correspondence 06-22-20 Rasker & Cutler Correspondence 06-22-20 Wellspring Correspondence 06-22-20 Crabb Correspondence 06-22-20 Niderost Correspondence 06-22-20 Boles Correspondence 06-22-20 Diamondstone Correspondence 06-22-20 Farmer Correspondence 06-22-20 Gair Correspondence 06-22-20 Gordon Correspondence 06-22-20 Guerlac Correspondence 06-22-20 Harris Correspondence 06-22-20 Hognestad Correspondence 06-22-20 Rogers Correspondence 06-22-20 Sacks Correspondence 06-22-20 Good Correspondence 06-22-20 Muchowski Correspondence 06-22-20 Durham Correspondence 06-22-20 Roat Correspondence 06-22-20 Hart Correspondence 06-22-20 Marcello Correspondence 06-22-20 Faber Correspondence 06-22-20 Lit Correspondence 06-22-20 Helenchild Correspondence 06-22-20 Hawthorn Correspondence 06-22-20 Tippett Correspondence 06-23-20 Manitee Correspondence 06-23-20 Fowler Correspondence 06-23-20 Stavely Correspondence District Attorney Correspondence - Eleven LE Reforms 2015-2019 06-23-20 Torres Correspondence 06-23-20 Chilson Correspondence 06-23-20 Rhoades Correspondence 06-23-20 Roat Correspondence 06-23-20 Edwards Correspondence 06-23-20 Diamondstone Correspondence
   Oppose     Neutral     Support    
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    Ashley Sherf over 4 years ago

    We need an advisory committee made of local citizens. How are you going to decide who is on this committee? What are the powers, or checks and balances on this committee? Law enforcement needs to be held accountable for actions, as all citizens regardless of actions are innocent until proven guilty. This idea needs to be upheld and enforced.

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    Willow DaunWidner over 4 years ago

    This is definitely something that's needed, but what would be the stretch of the committee's power be? Would it cover all law enforcement in Mendocino? Who would be the citizens on the committee? The entirety of Mendocino county needs a way to keep all law enforcement accountable for their actions, but how would this committee do that if there isn't anything in place to ensure that the committee's recommendations are being enforced? The committee must not have any ties to law enforcement.

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    Jordan Uggla over 4 years ago

    Would this cover all police in Mendocino County? We need independent oversight of our police and sheriffs. I look forward to seeing what the County Counsel drafts. It must cover all police and sheriffs in the county. It must be made up of people who are truly independent and committed to reform, and since this proposal explicitly rejects any actual power to enforce the committee's recommendations, we as the public will need to speak out when they tell us that problems are not being addressed.

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    Rebecca DaunWidner over 4 years ago

    I strongly support the establishment of a Citizens Advisory Committee for Law Enforcement Oversight. Mendocino County citizens need accountable law enforcement in our communities with the goal of increasing fairness and trust through accountability and transparency. An agency accountable to its citizens will be stronger and more in tune with the values of the entire community.

    The committee should be comprised of independent citizens who have no current or former ties to law enforcement.

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    Megan Wolf over 4 years ago

    We know that law enforcement organizations in this county have been abusing their power, targeting people of color, especially Black people. So often, when an officer does an excusable action, they are not removed from law enforcement. We need a Citizen’s Advisory Committee to police the police! Would this Committee oversee Ukiah PD as well?

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    Dianne Durham over 4 years ago

    Any framework for a Citizens Advisory Committee must grant the committee the power to ensure that its recommendations are implemented, i.e., the ability to override the decisions of the Chief of Police, union reps, and other law enforcement officials. Such a framework, while bold, is necessary to build community trust in policing by promising genuine community oversight, and would demonstrate, beyond mere words, that the police are indeed committed to serving and protecting our community.

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    Troyle Tognoli over 4 years ago

    YOU (BOS) need to be the vehicle of change. THE POWER AND INFLUENCE SITS SQUARELY IN YOUR HANDS.
    You are ALWAYS in the best position to instill the NECESSARY societal changes. Have you not heard the cries of our nation? You cannot police this tone of ACTION WITH IRRESPONSIBILITY. You need to do the RIGHT THING and support this action before you. We will ALL benefit. You have and have always had the POWER...DO SOMETHING TO CHANGE THE NARRATIVE!
    ACTION Speaks LOUDER than WORDS.