5k) Discussion And Possible Action Including Approval Of $350,000 Per Year Over A Four Year Period Of Measure B Service Funds To Provide Community Education, Awareness, And Support Services, As Recommended By The Mental Health Treatment Act Citizen's Oversight Committee
(Sponsor: Health and Human Services Agency)
MACFAGO supports all of the other funding recommendations of the Oversight Committee but cannot support this likely waste of Measure B funding that will amount to a boondoggle give-away to whatever organization receives it. Using this amount of money merely to increase local awareness of an already well-known subject takes funding away from facilities and the actual provision of services that are desperately needed. Avoid this gift of public funds!
MACFAGO supports all of the other funding recommendations of the Oversight Committee but cannot support this likely waste of Measure B funding that will amount to a boondoggle give-away to whatever organization receives it. Using this amount of money merely to increase local awareness of an already well-known subject takes funding away from facilities and the actual provision of services that are desperately needed. Avoid this gift of public funds!