Meeting Time: September 22, 2020 at 9:00am PDT

Agenda Item

9a) Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8 - Conference with Real Property Negotiator - Property: APN 002-340-3900, and Physical Address. 555 South Orchard Avenue, Ukiah CA. Agency Negotiators: Carmel J. Angelo, Janelle Rau, and Darcie Antle. Under negotiation: Property Acquisition, Price and Terms

   Oppose     Neutral     Support    
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  • 167078518347013
    Logan Shine about 4 years ago

    This project should not move forward in the proposed location until all key community stakeholders have been able to fully discuss their concerns and an economic assessment/evaluation for the long-term effects of the proposed project has been provided to the community.
    To effectively help homeless or transitioning populations, shelters and different housing options should be distributed throughout a community. The planned project location scores lower than the median US neighborhood (AARP Livability Index) for available “Transportaion” and “Economic Opportunities”, indicating that an increase in the homeless/transitioning population in this area may geographically isolate that population from the necessary health and support services offered in other areas of the community. It’s been shown through multiple studies that “there is growing evidence that walkability is a key way to stimulate economic development and attract young people to a place.” (APA Planning Magazine, Dec. 2019). Without a long-term plan for stimulating economic growth in the area, other commercial entities may struggle to maintain or expand their business.
    The Ukiah Valley General Plan Community Design Element describes Gobbi Street as one of six main “Gateways” to the City and says “The City gateways are less of a panorama, in that one sees a more narrow scope of view – the streetscape and immediately-visible buildings or lots.” The proposed project area includes sign frontage viewable from Highway 101 and could potentially have negative economic impacts to portions of the Gobbi Street Gateway.
    The City of Ukiah has a limited number of properties that are in the C-1 commercial zoning district. The areas in Ukiah that are part of the “Homeless Shelter Overlay District” do not require Use Permitting, whereas a property zoned C-1 would require a Use Permit for a “Large Homeless Facility”. By using a property for residential purposes when it is zoned for commercial use, there may be a long-term loss of commercial property tax/receipt revenue from that location, reduction in job growth, and loss of lodging for Mendocino’s growing tourism industry. If the lodging industry is reduced in Ukiah, the same issues described in the Ukiah Valley General Plan Economic Development Element may become prevalent again: “The tourism market has not effectively exploited the concept of "stay and play an extra day" in the Ukiah Valley.”

    1. City of Ukiah has limited properties in the C-1 zoning district; loss of C-1 zoning district may disrupt economic growth in the area (including Planned Development Zones).
    2. Proposed use of hotel will require a Use Permit, not fully utilizing areas already designated in the “Homeless Shelter Overlay District” or creating new areas for the Overlay District.
    3. Proposed location has limited “walkability” or transportation options for planned population increase.
    4. Lack of economic assessment for project or comparison of other locations that may be more suitable (proximity to services, increased walkability, increased grant funding) and would more effectively disperse services in the community.
    5. Gobbi Street is 1 of Ukiah’s 6 “Gateways” (General Plan) – Planned project location may have long-term economic impacts on the “Gobbi St Gateway” (undermining General Plan Community Design Element).
    6. Loss of lodging, potentially damaging to Ukiah’s tourism industry.
    7. Lack of community input, by key stakeholders, may undermine the timeline goals set forth in the Strategic Plan to Address Homelessness in Mendocino County (adopted April 27, 2020, pg 26)
    References in relation to Concerns above:
    1. City of Ukiah zoning map (ArcGIS):
    2. Ukiah City Code, Division 9, Chapter 2, §9082 PERMITTED USES.
    a. City of Ukiah 2019-2027 Housing Element, pg 22-23.
    3. AARP Livability Index (555 S Orchard Ave)Transportation Category:
    4. Strategic Plan to Address Homelessness in Mendocino County
    5. City of Ukiah General Plan,Coummunity Design Element,2.03 The “Gateways”, 2.03.01 Summary of major findings (pg 6)
    a. City of Ukiah General Plan, Economic Development Element, 3.02 The Community’s needs: Continued economic growth, 3.02.01 Summary of major findings (pg 5).
    b. Mendocino County 2018-2019 Economic Assessment, Tourism (pg 20).
    c. City of Ukiah General Plan – 16. Economic Development Element, 3.02 The Community's needs: Continued economic growth, 3.02.01 Summary of major findings
    7. Strategic Plan to Address Homelessness in Mendocino County (adopted April 27, 2020, pg 26)

    Leiloni Shine
    Selzer Realty & Associates
    DRE Lic. #02094026
    (707) 462-4000 Office
    (707) 671-6928 Cell