Meeting Time: October 13, 2020 at 9:00am PDT

Agenda Item

3a) Discussion and Possible Direction to Staff Regarding the Mendocino Cannabis Cultivation Ordinance, Including Possible Changes to Phase Three (Sponsor: Planning and Building Services)

Legislation Text 1. Phase 3 Cannabis BOS Memo FINAL 2. Att. A - Current Table 2 3. Att. B - Draft Revised Table 2 AG & RL Zonings (V3) Phase III Eligible Sites 10-11-20 MCA Correspondence 10-11-20 Miller Correspondence 10-11-20 Jupiter Correspondence 10-11-20 Rosen Correspondence 10-11-20 Trillia Correspondence 10-11-20 Thilman Correspondence (Jen) 10-11-20 Cooperrider Correspondence 10-11-20 Thilman Correspondence (Jude) 10-11-20 Maxson Correspondence 10-11-20 Robbers Correspondence 10-11-20 Buchanan Correspondence 10-11-20 Bewley Correspondence 10-11-20 Wheeler Correspondence 10-13-20 Foley Correspondence 10-11-20 Jensen Correspondence 10-11-20 King Correspondence 10-11-20 Zachreson Correspondence 10-11-20 Fox Correspondence 10-11-20 Rodriques Correspondence 10-11-20 Wasserman Correspondence 10-11-20 Soko Correspondence 10-11-20 Dejuan Correspondence 10-11-20 Lastreto Swami Correspondence 10-11-20 Hoyle Correspondence 10-11-20 Haglund Correspondence 10-12-20 Bennett Correspondence 10-12-20 Birkas Correspondence 10-12-20 Bush Correspondence 10-12-20 CCAG Correspondence 10-12-20 Clein Correspondence 10-12-20 Davis Correspondence 10-12-20 Dragonfly Wellness Correspondence 10-12-20 Jordan-Ferrari Correspondence 10-12-20 Flow Kana Correspondence 10-12-20 Kislak Correspondence 10-12-20 Landefeld Correspondence 10-12-20 Laidlaw Correspondence 10-12-20 Leppert Correspondence 10-12-20 Manners Correspondence 10-12-20 Marlin Correspondence 10-12-20 Lennerth Correspondence 10-12-20 J. Davis Correspondence 10-12-20 Martin Correspondence 10-12-20 Liddy Correspondence 10-12-20 MCA Talking Points Correspondence 10-12-20 Nelson Correspondence 10-12-20 Piziali Correspondence 10-12-20 Peterson Correspondence 10-12-20 Powell Correspondence 10-12-20 Robinson Correspondence 10-12-20 Sargenti Correspondence 10-12-20 Scott Ward Company Correspondence 10-12-20 Wood Correspondence 10-12-20 Zajac Correspondence 10-13-20 Lockhart Correspondence 10-13-20 O'Donnell Correspondence 10-13-20 AuClair Correspondence 10-13-20 Cheung Correspondence 10-13-20 Harness Correspondence 10-13-20 Henry's Original Correspondence 10-13-20 Lake Correspondence 10-13-20 Leef Correspondence 10-13-20 MCFB Correspondence 10-13-20 Morford Correspondence 10-13-20 UCCE Correspondence 10-13-20 Weibel Correspondence 10-13-20 Berman Correspondence 10-13-20 Davis Correspondence 10-13-20 Diaz Correspondence 10-13-20 Gray Correspondence 10-13-20 Soto Farms Correspondence 3. Att. B - Draft Revised Table 2 (in progress @ meeting)
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    Tekla Broz about 4 years ago

    Ms. Tekla Broz
    North Fork Garden Society
    PO Box 333, Covelo, CA 95428

    October 12th, 2020
    Re: Board of Supervisor Meeting 10/13/2020

    Dear Honorable Board of Supervisors,
    I support all of the recommendations of Mendocino Growers Alliance, composed by Ms. Monique Ramirez. I wish and hope that you would give support to the legacy growers of this county, who have tried so hard to do everything you have required of us. I have noticed that it seems that when we submit these comments to you, you nod and smile and then some of you ignore them completely. Because of the difference voting blocs in the County, I am not surprised that each of you do not feel that comments by those who are not your constituents are worth listening to. However, I have to say that it makes me feel very frustrated and used by some of you. I have tried to understand and tried to comply with every single thing you have asked, in order to produce a quality medicine, what I feel is a helpful and beneficial product for the California market place. I want to pay taxes on this product, because I feel that it is my civic duty, and I want to contribute to my community. But you just keep making it between hard to impossible to both make sense of the rules and to comply with them. Now you want to open up our county to wholesale development, both by the hemp industry and by non-legacy cannabis growers. It is as if you really do not care about me at all. I do not want to believe this is true. Help me believe this is not true. Put this expansion, both of hemp and of Phase 3, on hold until you sort out the problems still extant for Phase 1 legacy growers. Thank you.