Effective March 20, 2020, the Mendocino County Board of Supervisors meetings will be conducted virtually and not available for in person public participation (pursuant to State Executive Order N-29-20). Meetings are live streamed and available for viewing online one the Mendocino County YouTube page, at https://www.youtube.com/MendocinoCountyVideo or by toll-free, telephonic live stream at 888-544-8306.
The public may participate digitally in meetings in lieu of personal attendance. Comment may be made in any of the following ways: via written comment to bos@mendocinocounty.org, through our online eComment platform at https://mendocino.legistar.com/Calendar.aspx, through voicemail messaging by calling 707-234-6333, or by telephone via telecomment. Information regarding telecomment participation can be found here:
For details and a complete list of the latest available options by which to engage with agenda items, please visit:
Dear Board of Supervisors,
After reading the proposed changes to the cannabis ordinance, I can’t help but wonder why such significant changes to the code are proposed on a Friday to be voted on on Monday. This is not a public policy process designed to inspire confidence that our elected officials are working in the best interests of all Mendocino County residents. What gives, Misters Haschak and Williams? It sure seems like an attempt to limit broad discussion and consideration. These issues are important and need to be parsed in a detailed and nuanced way.
Dear Board of Supervisors,
After reading the proposed changes to the cannabis ordinance, I can’t help but wonder why such significant changes to the code are proposed on a Friday to be voted on on Monday. This is not a public policy process designed to inspire confidence that our elected officials are working in the best interests of all Mendocino County residents. What gives, Misters Haschak and Williams? It sure seems like an attempt to limit broad discussion and consideration. These issues are important and need to be parsed in a detailed and nuanced way.