5g) Discussion and Possible Action Including Introduce and Waive First Reading of an Ordinance Amending Section 10A.15A.030 of the Mendocino County Code Modifying Certain Definitions Related to Genetically Modified Organisms
(Sponsor: County Counsel)
Please approve the updated wording for the Mendocino County GMO ordinance. I am a long time resident of Covelo, and am a permitted cannabis grower. I support these new definitions clarify genetic manipulation in a way that will fully protect the GMO - free environment that was voted in by Mendocino residents with Measure H in 2004. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, Tekla Broz, Covelo
Since I just signed up for this system, I couldn't tell if my comment was accepted in a previous attempt, so I'm posting it again to be sure.
I urge you to approve the updated wording for our Mendocino County GMO ordinance tomorrow. It is the result of a collaboration of cannabis growers, including a number of Covelo cannabis growers; Jim Donnely with the County’s Agricultural Department; Genine Coleman Executive Director at Origins Council , the County’s cannabis appellations project; the Farm Bureau; and the Willets Environmental Center. County Counsel, Matt Kiedrowski, has been working with a geneticist to revise the language of the ordinance such that it describes genetic manipulation that hadn’t yet been developed, or even imagined, when Measure H was passed by referendum in 2004. The intent of the revisions is to keep the ordinance consistent with the will of the people. Thank you.
Please support this agenda item and move forward with the amended language on GMO's! Thank you so much.
Please approve the updated wording for the Mendocino County GMO ordinance. I am a long time resident of Covelo, and am a permitted cannabis grower. I support these new definitions clarify genetic manipulation in a way that will fully protect the GMO - free environment that was voted in by Mendocino residents with Measure H in 2004. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, Tekla Broz, Covelo
Since I just signed up for this system, I couldn't tell if my comment was accepted in a previous attempt, so I'm posting it again to be sure.
I urge you to approve the updated wording for our Mendocino County GMO ordinance tomorrow. It is the result of a collaboration of cannabis growers, including a number of Covelo cannabis growers; Jim Donnely with the County’s Agricultural Department; Genine Coleman Executive Director at Origins Council , the County’s cannabis appellations project; the Farm Bureau; and the Willets Environmental Center. County Counsel, Matt Kiedrowski, has been working with a geneticist to revise the language of the ordinance such that it describes genetic manipulation that hadn’t yet been developed, or even imagined, when Measure H was passed by referendum in 2004. The intent of the revisions is to keep the ordinance consistent with the will of the people. Thank you.