Meeting Time: March 09, 2021 at 9:00am PST

Agenda Item

9c) Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8 - Conference with Real Property Negotiator - Property: APNs 152-090-05, 152-120-09, 152-150-03, 152-150-05, 152-150-08, 152-180-05, 152-180-09, 167-120-15, 167-120-17, 167-160-03, 167-160-06, 152-150-02, 152-270-01, 152-270-05, 157-200-01, 157-240-01, 169-010-01, 152-100-01; Physical Address. 537 Parducci Road, Ukiah CA 95482. Agency Negotiators: Carmel J. Angelo, Janelle Rau, and Darcie Antle. Under negotiation: Property Acquisition, Price and Terms

   Oppose     Neutral     Support    
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    Frost Pauli over 3 years ago

    Dear Honorable Board of Supervisors,
    As a next door neighbor to this property, I believe that I have a right to know why the county is interested in purchasing it and what it intends to do with it after purchasing. The answer to these questions undoubtedly would impact my property, business and way of life, and it is unreasonable to not engage myself and other surrounding neighbors in this process. Thank you.
    Frost Pauli

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    Martha Barra over 3 years ago

    There has been no transparency in the above transaction, no need established, exorbitant price and liability to the county, not even considering the long term economic detriment to the county's financial resources. Because I have been following the process of the selection of a site for "Safe Haven" from the first proposal by Dr. Mimi Doohan, it is hard for me to wrap my head around why this item is even on the Board's agenda. The public deserves to know the source of funding, the established need for such a proposed purchase, long term budget impact, etc. The road maintenance alone would be an enormous expense, thus taking funds away from the general road repair fund.
    Another pie-in-the-sky, unrealistic expense for our poor, poor county that so desperately needs safety first in our rural areas, and housing for all.