Meeting Time: June 22, 2021 at 9:00am PDT

Agenda Item

5e) Discussion and Possible Action Including Acceptance of Presentation Regarding Mendocino County Specialty Mental Health Services, Including Approval of Agreement with Redwood Quality Management Company in the Amount of $17,361,861 to Arrange and Pay for Medically Necessary Specialty Mental Health Services and Mental Health Services Act Community Services and Support Programs for All Ages of Medi-Cal Beneficiaries and the Indigent Population, Effective July 1, 2021 Through June 30, 2022 (Sponsor: Health and Human Services Agency)

   Oppose     Neutral     Support    
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    Victoria Mostova about 1 year ago

    The discussion on Mendocino County Specialty Mental Health Services and the proposed agreement with Redwood Quality Management Company is crucial for ensuring access to medically necessary mental health services. The allocation of funds for Mental Health Services Act Community Services and Support Programs reflects a commitment to the well-being of Medi-Cal beneficiaries and the indigent population. Additionally, incorporating efficient <a href="">trial management software</a> could further streamline the delivery and management of these essential services, promoting a more comprehensive and organized approach.

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    Loren Frank Mc garvey over 3 years ago

    This is a comment in support of today’s agenda item 5e by me, Frank McGarvey LCSW #60945. I am a licensed clinical provider and have lived and worked in Mendocino County for 40 years providing mental health services. 18 of those years as a county employee and the other 22 as a contractor or private provider of mental health services. I have witnessed and at times been a part of many of the changes that have taken place regarding the provision of mental health services here in Mendocino County over the last 40 years. I am currently mostly retired engaged in a small private psychotherapy practice.
    I fully support the Approval of Agreement with Redwood Quality Management Company to arrange and pay for mental health services that is currently being considered by the Mendocino County Board of Supervisors. I have worked with RQMC off and on for many years and have continually found them to be always both highly responsible and professional. This has been true even more so during these most recent overly complex and stressful times. I have been witnessed to this not being true of other agencies in the past. I am available for further comment if desired.
    Please approve the funding of RQMC that they continue and expand their much-needed excellent work.

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    Susan Novotny over 3 years ago

    I am Susan Wynd Novotny, a resident of Mendocino County since 1990, peer family member and recently retired former executive director of Manzanita Services, Inc.(2011-March 2, 2021)
    Redwood Quality Management Company (RQMC) has successfully managed our Adult Behavioral Health System of Care since 2016 successfully addressing state quality assurance deliverables, fiscal efficacy and effective and timely leadership through the deeply challenging demands of the Covid 19 pandemic response.
    Having navigated through the last two system of care changes and personally seen and experienced the impact to our behavioral health clients, their families and the community with each system, I encourage you to approve the agreement with RQMC and continue to invest and develop the Behavioral Health System of Care under RQMC management.
    Mendocino County is currently recognized at the state level as a leader and model for Small Counties due to the current system of care management model.
    I want to personally thank you for your commitment to the health and well being of our community and strongly recommend you approve the contract with RQMC to continue the improvement in behavioral health services that we have experienced under RQMC's leadership.

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    Lasara Firefox Allen over 3 years ago

    I'm Lasara Firefox Allen, the Executive Director of Manzanita Services, and I respectfully urge you to approve the Agreement with Redwood Quality Management Company in the amount listed above. Manzanita is the largest adult case management agency in Mendocino County serving hundreds of individuals with mental health challenges.

    Since I have been working in this position my experience has been that RQMC has been an amazing foundation to work from. They reliably demonstrate excellent management of service contracts, strive for collaboration between agencies, and are equitable in their approach to management.

    This is not a time to change the administration and management of the system of care contracts in the county; agencies are struggling in providing services to clients with the COVID-19 challenges still very present in the county. RQMC is an effective ASO and has consistently provided technical assistance, guidance and has been instrumental in keeping our agencies in business. In addition, RQMC cares about our agencies and the individuals and families that we serve in both the Adult and Children's System of Care.

    As Executive Director of Manzanita Services, and as a concerned community member and a mental health peer, I urge you to approve this agreement today!

    Thank you!

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    Susan Era over 3 years ago

    As Chairman of the Board for Manzanita Services and 40 year resident of this County, I respectfully urge you to approve the Agreement with Redwood Quality Management Company in the amount listed above. Manzanita is the largest adult case management agency in Mendocino County serving hundreds of individuals with mental health challenges. RQMC has demonstrated excellent management of service contracts for years. This is not a time to change the administration and management of the system of care contracts in the county. Agencies are struggling in providing services to clients with the CO19 challenges still very present in the county. RQMC is an effective ASO and has consistently provided technical assistance, guidance and has been instrumental in keeping our agencies in business. In addition, RQMC cares about our agencies and the individuals and families that we serve in both the Adult and Children's System of Care. The Board of Manzanita Services urges you to approve this agreement today! Susan Era