Agenda Item
5c) Discussion and Possible Action Including Explanation of Three Possible Methodologies for the Redistricting Process; and Direction to Staff to (1) Establish a Staff-Based Advisory Commission or (2) Appoint a Citizen Independent Redistricting Commission or (3) Appoint a Hybrid Redistricting Commission (continued from July 13, 2021)
(Sponsors: Executive Office and County Counsel)
My name is Paula Cohen, I reside in the 5th District and wish to speak to Mendocino County's Redistricting Agenda Item 5c.
I am a member of the local LWV and was the Chair of the Mendocino County Complete Count C. I well understand the frustrating delays in a final census count leading to a truncated time line for counties.
While I understand the short turn around time for the production of maps, the intent of the state legislation was to encourage community input in this process. I believe a 'county led' process would not encourage or result in the greatest participation. Instead I would encourage including community members to help educate and promote the importance of this process.
The local 'personal' approach proved effective in increasing participation in a majority of Mendocino County's 23 census tracts.
Bottom line, this is a 'community' process and it is in the County's best interest to include community members.
Thank you for your time and consideration. Paula Cohen