5c) Discussion and Possible Action Including Approval of Chief Executive Officer or County Administrative Officer Model for the County of Mendocino
(Sponsors: Supervisor Mulheren and Supervisor Gjerde)
It is my hope that you will embrace this once-in-a-political-career opportunity to correct the course the County has been on under the retiring CEO. The people of this county elected the five of you to run it, believing you would be responsible to the people and respectful of our wishes, knowing that we had entrusted you to do so (and that if you didn’t, we would vote you out at the next opportunity). This is the sacred bond between the electorate and the elected. There is no such bond between the electorate and a CEO (or a CAO for that matter).
I would like to see you choose a model that allows the five of you to make the decisions entrusted to you by the voters. I would rather we spend less money on that position and use the difference to hire administrative support for the five of you (to help you manage the increased responsibility). I do not think you should promote anyone to that position who worked under the current CEO in the toxic environment she created. We need to start fresh with a CAO who is very clear that she or he works for the Supervisors who directly represent the people of Mendocino County.
Dear Supervisors,
It is my hope that you will embrace this once-in-a-political-career opportunity to correct the course the County has been on under the retiring CEO. The people of this county elected the five of you to run it, believing you would be responsible to the people and respectful of our wishes, knowing that we had entrusted you to do so (and that if you didn’t, we would vote you out at the next opportunity). This is the sacred bond between the electorate and the elected. There is no such bond between the electorate and a CEO (or a CAO for that matter).
I would like to see you choose a model that allows the five of you to make the decisions entrusted to you by the voters. I would rather we spend less money on that position and use the difference to hire administrative support for the five of you (to help you manage the increased responsibility). I do not think you should promote anyone to that position who worked under the current CEO in the toxic environment she created. We need to start fresh with a CAO who is very clear that she or he works for the Supervisors who directly represent the people of Mendocino County.
I thank each of you for your service.
Sattie Clark
Redwood Valley