Meeting Time: March 02, 2022 at 9:00am PST

Agenda Item


   Oppose     Neutral     Support    
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    Alex Dorman about 3 years ago

    The program needs to be streamlined PER STATE Guidlines... there is no reason to make things so hard on everyone.
    The California Constitution authorizes a county to make and enforce local ordinances that do not conflict with general laws. A county also has the power to sue and be sued, purchase and hold land, manage or dispose of its properties, and levy and collect taxes authorized by law. Many additional powers have been granted to counties by the Legislature. The powers of a county can only be exercised by the Board of Supervisors or through officers acting under the authority of the Board or authority conferred by law. In addition, the Board must follow the procedural requirements in the statutes or its actions will not be valid. For example, if the Legislature has provided a method by which a county may abandon a road, that method must be followed. Also, where state law requires land use zoning by an ordinance, this statutorily prescribed method is binding on the county. On the other hand, where the law does not specifically prescribe a method for accomplishing a task, the county may adopt any reasonably suitable means.

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    Julia Carrera about 3 years ago

    My position would change to SUPPORT upon a small change in langue in item 5 of the form:
    5. Project meets the following stream and wetland setbacks (for cultivation sites
    and associated infrastructure): "a minimum of 150 feet from perennial
    streams/wetlands.." The original NCRWQCB Permit (Order No. R1-2018-0019) required 100 ft. NOT 150 ft. from class 1 streams and issued discharger Notices of Applicability (permits) with 100ft. sebacks. A change to from 100ft. to 150ft came when the RWQCB adopted the General Order. All original dischargers were "grandfathered" in at the 100ft. setback from class 1 streams. All Order No. R1-2019-0019 permit holders have cultivation in the 100ft-150ft zone. The current language would put them out of business. Suggested Language: ADD - with the exception of Order No. R1-2018-0019 permited discharges shall have a minimum of 100ft from perennial streams/wetlands meeting Order No. R1-2018-0019 seback requirements. Thank you for your consideration, this change in language is imperative.