Meeting Time: March 02, 2022 at 9:00am PST

Agenda Item

3b) Discussion and Possible Action Including Adoption of a Resolution Authorizing the County of Mendocino Cannabis Program Director to Develop, Update, Amend and Implement the Mendocino County Local Jurisdiction Assistance Grant Program - Direct Grant Policy Manual, as Approved by County Counsel and Within the Extent Permitted by State Law (Sponsor: Cannabis)

   Oppose     Neutral     Support    
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    Patricia Vargas about 3 years ago

    We support the memos by MCA, CCAG and Hannah Nelson. Thank you,

    Sun Roots Farm
    Patricia Vargas and Forrest Gauder

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    Corinne Powell about 3 years ago

    I support MCA's position and recommendation regarding oversite and imperative budget changes so that more funds are available those seeking Annual licenses.

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    Lauren Mendelsohn about 3 years ago

    The County should do everything in its power to implement its equity program with transparency and stakeholder input, and to get direct grants into the hands of operators as soon as possible. There is no need to reinvent the wheel -- look to how other counties are handling this.

    - Lauren Mendelsohn, Esq.

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    Blaire AuClair about 3 years ago

    I 100% support the memo by MCA and CCAG. As of today I am shocked to hear stories of the challenges that applicants have faced during the process of the local equity grant program and the amount of time it is taking to recieve funds. As a seasonal business based upon the cycle of the sun during the year it is imperative that these funds are released in a timely and efficient manner with clear standards and guidelines. These funds have been allocated by the state because the state understands farmers have faced many challenges. I do not agree with funds being allocated to MCP for the development of our Appendix G documents. Many of us have already hired consultants to begin the process and there is a potential conflict of having MCP process the document on behalf of applicants. Please consider the recommendations of MCA and CCAG who are making logical recommendations for day to day experiences with this program. Thank you for your time. Blaire AuClair

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    russell perrin about 3 years ago

    I support MCA’s proposal!

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    Matt Maguire about 3 years ago

    Honorable Supervisors,

    I support the Memo from Mendocino Cannabis Alliance. I have concerns over how these funds are proposed to be spent. This Grant application was prepared with very little stakeholder input.
    More money should be allocated toward direct Grants for farmers.
    Please read MCA's whole letter regarding the LJAG, they have really taken the time to address the needs of their members. which are the local Industry Stakeholders.
    Thank you for your consideration,

    Matt Maguire

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    Erin Neuroth about 3 years ago

    Honorable Supervisors,

    I support the Memo from Mendocino Cannabis Alliance. I have concerns over how these funds are proposed to be spent. This Grant application was prepared with very little stakeholder input.
    More money should be allocated toward direct Grants for farmers.
    Please read MCA's whole letter regarding the LJAG, they have really taken the time to address the needs of their members. which are the local Industry Stakeholders.
    Thank you for your consideration,

    Erin Neuroth

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    Laura Clein about 3 years ago

    This funding is meant to help the County facilitate State Provisional license holders to transition to State Annual License holders. And most, if not all, of your County applicants & permit holders ARE State Provisional License holders. There were determined to be that many just last year when the State requested ApG updates. It why this County received this grant. These are small farms, most of whom are self funded, that have been jumping through hoops for 5 years. For the County to create a situation to not allow all of the Phase 1 farms who hold State Provisional License access to these grant funds earmarked for them is more than unfair, it's unethical. Also, the way the equity grants have been not disbursed in a timely manner concerns us when it comes to these new grant monies. We support the CCAG & MCA memos. Thank you for your consideration, Laura & Marty Clein, Martyjuana™

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    Marnie Birger about 3 years ago

    I fully support the memo submitted by Monique Ramirez on behalf of Covelo Cannabis Advocacy Group. I fully support the memo submitted by Michael Katz on behalf of Mendocino Cannabis Alliance.
    As written, this agenda item does not sufficiently address the needs of our community in administering these grant funds so I can not support the proposed resolution.

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    Jerry Munn about 3 years ago

    District 3 resident
    I do not support the the proposed resolution.
    You should take into consideration the memos submitted by CCAG and Mendocino Cannabis Alliance.

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    Monique Ramirez about 3 years ago

    Please find the attached CCAG memo on this agenda item below.

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    david silverstone about 3 years ago

    district 3 resident
    grant funds need to be distributed faster. please hurry up and distribute funds to qualified persons. 5 months is already too long of a time to wait for these needed funds. please release grant funds now.

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    Michael Katz about 3 years ago

    Honorable Supervisors,

    As written this agenda item does not sufficiently address the need of our community in administering these grant funds, and so we can not support the proposed resolution.

    Please see our attached memo on this item.


    Mendocino Cannabis Alliance

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    Alex Dorman about 3 years ago

    The California Constitution authorizes a county to make and enforce local ordinances that do not conflict with general laws. A county also has the power to sue and be sued, purchase and hold land, manage or dispose of its properties, and levy and collect taxes authorized by law. Many additional powers have been granted to counties by the Legislature. The powers of a county can only be exercised by the Board of Supervisors or through officers acting under the authority of the Board or authority conferred by law. In addition, the Board must follow the procedural requirements in the statutes or its actions will not be valid. For example, if the Legislature has provided a method by which a county may abandon a road, that method must be followed. Also, where state law requires land use zoning by an ordinance, this statutorily prescribed method is binding on the county. On the other hand, where the law does not specifically prescribe a method for accomplishing a task, the county may adopt any reasonably suitable means.

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    Sunny Pleasants about 3 years ago

    Agenda Item 3(b)
    Regarding Grant Funding - the Resolution should include language that mirrors the State Mandate for Grant Funding - "Remove all obstacles to Annual Licensing". Currently, grants are only allowed to be utilized by Permit Holders. At no fault of their own, the vast majority of program participants are Applicants (due to the lack of previous MCP staff application processing) who currently do not have access to grant funding. The results in additional obstacles to Annual Licensing. The State does not require a license at the local level to be held for access to grant funds. It does require "obstacles to be removed" to licensure. Please direct Staff assure in the development, amendment, update and implementation of the policy manual for the Local Jurisdiction Assistance Grant Program – Direct Grant Program allows Applicants to be eligible for grant funding in line with State mandate of "removing obstacles to licensure". Thank you.