Meeting Time: March 02, 2022 at 9:00am PST

Agenda Item

3c) Discussion and Possible Action Including Approval of Departmental Name Change from Mendocino County Cannabis Program to Mendocino County Cannabis Department (Sponsor: Cannabis)

   Oppose     Neutral     Support    
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    Marnie Birger about 3 years ago

    This agenda item wasn't on the agenda till halfway through this meeting. Is this regarding just a name change, or other things, as well? What are the other things? Farmers' lives and livelihoods are at stake. Save legacy farmers. Support legacy farmers. That's really the only thing in this program that matters right now. Getting farmers permitted. How much time has been spent on developing this name change? I agree with what Susan said. I agree with what Michael Katz. said. Ted, One person calling in is the voice for One Hundred people or more.

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    Laura Clein about 3 years ago

    We understand this name change to be a normal next step, after moving the job title from Manager to Director, now the Program will become a Department, in organizational structure. We hope this give the Director more say in how policy is implemented & we especially hope that with increased responsibility comes a clearer, broader path forward for Mendocino County's craft cannabis farms in the queue. Thank you for your consideration, Laura & Marty Clein, Martyjuanaâ„¢

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    Alex Dorman about 3 years ago

    We have more important items to work through.