Board of Supervisors Meeting
March 15, 2022
Consent Calendar Item 3f:
Proclamation Recognizing the Abuses of Power and Mismanagement by Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Carmel J. Angelo for The Last Twelve Years Upon Her Retirement from the County of Mendocino
Introduced: John Sakowicz and Many Other Members of the Public
WHEREAS, Carmel J. Angelo became Assistant Chief Executive Officer in September 2007 where she reorganized the Executive Office for her eventual takeover of the Executive Office; and
WHEREAS, Angelo while also functioning as Chief Financial Officer balanced the county budget by firing or otherwise furloughing one third of the county workforce and freezing the salaries of the remaining workers without regard to the human costs of those measures; and
WHEREAS, Angelo was appointed Chief Executive Officer in March 2010 and dominated the Board of Supervisors by controlling the Board agenda and the Clerk of the Board for the next twelve years; and
WHEREAS, Angelo further consolidated power at the Executive Office by eliminating the county departments for budget, emergency services, risk management, IT, and general services, and bringing those functions into the Executive Office; and
WHEREAS, Angelo further grabbed power by consolidating the constitutionally elected offices of the County Treasure and County Auditor; and
WHEREAS, Angelo also dominated the Board of Supervisors by controlling the necessary information to govern by never providing the Board with monthly detailed financial reports and departmental performance reviews; and
WHEREAS, Angelo built county’s mythical financial reserve on the backs of county workers who suffered high burnout because of high vacancy rates in their departments, and also built the so-called reserve on the deferred maintenance of county buildings and on a ballooning unfunded county pension liability; and
WHEREAS, Angelo privatized county services, especially mental health services where a sole contractor, Redwood Community Services, now gets tens of millions of dollars in no-bid contracts, making that contractor stinking rich with almost no accountability; and
WHEREAS, Angelo hijacked Measure B funds so that those funds would become the Executive Office's private slush fund, and also hijacked the Measure B Mental Health and Advisory Committee so the committee would become totally dysfunctional and ineffective, thereby breaking the promise of building a Psychiatric Health Facility; and
WHEREAS, Angelo helped create one of the worst county cannabis ordinances in California, and also mismanaged the county's cannabis permit program, thereby allowing the carpetbaggers and scallywags at Flow Kana to dominate so-called "legal" cannabis to the detriment of local farmers, until Flow Kana itself lost a hostile takeover bid to the Wall Street gangsters at Gotham Green Partners; and
WHEREAS, Angelo was so indifferent to public corruption in the cannabis industry and law enforcement that a RICO investigation has now been undertaken by the U.S. Attorney's Office, rising to the level of regional and national news to the great embarrassment of the county; and
WHEREAS, Angelo thwarted, stifled, or otherwise influenced the investigations and proceeding of the county grand jury; and
WHEREAS, Angelo “disappeared” numerous county employees, including department heads, resulting in numerous expensive wrongful termination lawsuits;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the people of County of Mendocino hereby bid farewell to Carmel J. Angelo so that she may collect her $170,000 annual pension.
Chair Williams has written 3 letters and signed them personally. While Mr. Williams is certainly entiteled to his opinion, it is surprising that any correspondence is directed to County Counsel (implying that this is the County's position).
I would suggest that if Chair Williams feels so strongly about burdensome regulations and Taxation that he begin by excersizing his authority on a local level where there is MUCH more work to be done.
Board of Supervisors Meeting
March 15, 2022
Consent Calendar Item 3f:
Proclamation Recognizing the Abuses of Power and Mismanagement by Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Carmel J. Angelo for The Last Twelve Years Upon Her Retirement from the County of Mendocino
Introduced: John Sakowicz and Many Other Members of the Public
WHEREAS, Carmel J. Angelo became Assistant Chief Executive Officer in September 2007 where she reorganized the Executive Office for her eventual takeover of the Executive Office; and
WHEREAS, Angelo while also functioning as Chief Financial Officer balanced the county budget by firing or otherwise furloughing one third of the county workforce and freezing the salaries of the remaining workers without regard to the human costs of those measures; and
WHEREAS, Angelo was appointed Chief Executive Officer in March 2010 and dominated the Board of Supervisors by controlling the Board agenda and the Clerk of the Board for the next twelve years; and
WHEREAS, Angelo further consolidated power at the Executive Office by eliminating the county departments for budget, emergency services, risk management, IT, and general services, and bringing those functions into the Executive Office; and
WHEREAS, Angelo further grabbed power by consolidating the constitutionally elected offices of the County Treasure and County Auditor; and
WHEREAS, Angelo also dominated the Board of Supervisors by controlling the necessary information to govern by never providing the Board with monthly detailed financial reports and departmental performance reviews; and
WHEREAS, Angelo built county’s mythical financial reserve on the backs of county workers who suffered high burnout because of high vacancy rates in their departments, and also built the so-called reserve on the deferred maintenance of county buildings and on a ballooning unfunded county pension liability; and
WHEREAS, Angelo privatized county services, especially mental health services where a sole contractor, Redwood Community Services, now gets tens of millions of dollars in no-bid contracts, making that contractor stinking rich with almost no accountability; and
WHEREAS, Angelo hijacked Measure B funds so that those funds would become the Executive Office's private slush fund, and also hijacked the Measure B Mental Health and Advisory Committee so the committee would become totally dysfunctional and ineffective, thereby breaking the promise of building a Psychiatric Health Facility; and
WHEREAS, Angelo helped create one of the worst county cannabis ordinances in California, and also mismanaged the county's cannabis permit program, thereby allowing the carpetbaggers and scallywags at Flow Kana to dominate so-called "legal" cannabis to the detriment of local farmers, until Flow Kana itself lost a hostile takeover bid to the Wall Street gangsters at Gotham Green Partners; and
WHEREAS, Angelo was so indifferent to public corruption in the cannabis industry and law enforcement that a RICO investigation has now been undertaken by the U.S. Attorney's Office, rising to the level of regional and national news to the great embarrassment of the county; and
WHEREAS, Angelo thwarted, stifled, or otherwise influenced the investigations and proceeding of the county grand jury; and
WHEREAS, Angelo “disappeared” numerous county employees, including department heads, resulting in numerous expensive wrongful termination lawsuits;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the people of County of Mendocino hereby bid farewell to Carmel J. Angelo so that she may collect her $170,000 annual pension.
Chair Williams has written 3 letters and signed them personally. While Mr. Williams is certainly entiteled to his opinion, it is surprising that any correspondence is directed to County Counsel (implying that this is the County's position).
I would suggest that if Chair Williams feels so strongly about burdensome regulations and Taxation that he begin by excersizing his authority on a local level where there is MUCH more work to be done.