5a) Discussion and Possible Action Including Approval of Direction to Staff to Estimate Cost of Contractor to Assist Assessor in Tax Rolls Catch Up and Reserve Necessary Funds from American Recovery Plan Act Allocation
(Sponsor: Supervisor Williams)
I am writing in support of Item 5a. The issue of unpermitted and under-permitted properties in Mendocino County is too large for county staff to handle timely, especially as we face an era of deficit and increased need of county services. The number of unpermitted and under-permitted properties has resulted in a cultural environment of non-compliance and detrimental environmental activities because there are no consequences. The loss of potential revenue to the County is estimated in the millions. Not only can we not afford this, it jeopardizes our safety and quality of life. And the county's non-action makes you complicit. The potential benefit to the county more than justifies the expense of a contractor whose sole focus will be the mitigation of this monumental problem.
I am writing in support of Item 5a. The issue of unpermitted and under-permitted properties in Mendocino County is too large for county staff to handle timely, especially as we face an era of deficit and increased need of county services. The number of unpermitted and under-permitted properties has resulted in a cultural environment of non-compliance and detrimental environmental activities because there are no consequences. The loss of potential revenue to the County is estimated in the millions. Not only can we not afford this, it jeopardizes our safety and quality of life. And the county's non-action makes you complicit. The potential benefit to the county more than justifies the expense of a contractor whose sole focus will be the mitigation of this monumental problem.