Dear Board, Yes please. Reopen. There’s no need to be so protective anymore. It’s time we all show up and discuss items person. As is understood in this county, internet service is some of the worst in the state. So it makes it extremely difficult for most people outside of city limits to participate with the process via zoom. Thank you for this consideration.
The new protocols for the BOS meetings conspicuously lack the ability for someone to participate using Zoom. We request clarification as to why this valuable tool for interaction is being withdrawn from use.
Zoom meetings of the Board of Supervisors, heretofore, have not allowed for the ‘raise hand’ feature. This has been, and continues to be unacceptable, especially considering the relative ease with which other County endeavors such as the Redistricting Commission and weekly MCD meetings, and many other jurisdictions have integrated this feature. Enabling real time response to agenda items being discussed during the proceedings is crucial to the intent and exercise of public comment. Historically, during in person meetings, the public would often turn in speaker cards to the Clerk of the Board before or during public comment and were never denied an opportunity to speak. Agenda items rarely explain what actually happens during the proceedings and if discussion moves a member of the public to comment, that should be encouraged. We encourage the Board to find as many ways for the public to engage in public meetings as possible.
The pandemic has been a burden for everyone, but it has also shed light on technology that enables constituents to participate more thoroughly in this democracy. Ensuring that the Zoom feature is still enabled during in person meetings is essential for those unable to commute, due to rise in gas prices, mobility issues, distance to Ukiah and the uncertainty of when an agenda item would be available for public comment. Since these meetings happen during business hours, it's not always feasible for the public to take the entire day off not knowing exactly when public comment will take place. Further, given the Board’s oft stated commitment to reducing carbon emissions and environmental stewardship, maintaining Zoom would maximize the desirable outcome of continued and increased public engagement while reducing barriers to communication and reducing the carbon footprint of County meetings.
Additionally, we request that the Board either post the agenda in the order it will be addressed, or identify estimated times of days for agenda items to be heard. In order to participate in these proceedings, members of the public must often schedule around other commitments and when items are addressed out of order, it creates barriers to engagement. We would also like to see more direct answers to questions and comments from the Board and Staff provided during public comment so that the public may receive clarity on the items they raise. Ultimately, we suggest that, along with the security protocols that protect the Board and Staff, that the Board ensure that the public be allowed to comment in a way that preserves their security and the security of our democracy. After all, that is the very purpose of “Public Comment.”
Thank you for your consideration of this important item.
Of course, it is time to open up, our democracy depends on it.
Dear Board, Yes please. Reopen. There’s no need to be so protective anymore. It’s time we all show up and discuss items person. As is understood in this county, internet service is some of the worst in the state. So it makes it extremely difficult for most people outside of city limits to participate with the process via zoom. Thank you for this consideration.
Yes! Reopen the chambers so farmers can come in and make public comment directly.
Let’s work together to make Mendocino County a thriving cannabis economy!
Thank you,
Christina Colangelo
Mendocino County Board of Supervisors
501 Low Gap Road
Ukiah, CA 9548
Re: Item 3m on 4/5 - Approval of the Board Chambers Reopening/Decorum Guidelines Regarding COVID, Safety, and Public Comment Procedures
Honorable Supervisors,
The new protocols for the BOS meetings conspicuously lack the ability for someone to participate using Zoom. We request clarification as to why this valuable tool for interaction is being withdrawn from use.
Zoom meetings of the Board of Supervisors, heretofore, have not allowed for the ‘raise hand’ feature. This has been, and continues to be unacceptable, especially considering the relative ease with which other County endeavors such as the Redistricting Commission and weekly MCD meetings, and many other jurisdictions have integrated this feature. Enabling real time response to agenda items being discussed during the proceedings is crucial to the intent and exercise of public comment. Historically, during in person meetings, the public would often turn in speaker cards to the Clerk of the Board before or during public comment and were never denied an opportunity to speak. Agenda items rarely explain what actually happens during the proceedings and if discussion moves a member of the public to comment, that should be encouraged. We encourage the Board to find as many ways for the public to engage in public meetings as possible.
The pandemic has been a burden for everyone, but it has also shed light on technology that enables constituents to participate more thoroughly in this democracy. Ensuring that the Zoom feature is still enabled during in person meetings is essential for those unable to commute, due to rise in gas prices, mobility issues, distance to Ukiah and the uncertainty of when an agenda item would be available for public comment. Since these meetings happen during business hours, it's not always feasible for the public to take the entire day off not knowing exactly when public comment will take place. Further, given the Board’s oft stated commitment to reducing carbon emissions and environmental stewardship, maintaining Zoom would maximize the desirable outcome of continued and increased public engagement while reducing barriers to communication and reducing the carbon footprint of County meetings.
Additionally, we request that the Board either post the agenda in the order it will be addressed, or identify estimated times of days for agenda items to be heard. In order to participate in these proceedings, members of the public must often schedule around other commitments and when items are addressed out of order, it creates barriers to engagement. We would also like to see more direct answers to questions and comments from the Board and Staff provided during public comment so that the public may receive clarity on the items they raise. Ultimately, we suggest that, along with the security protocols that protect the Board and Staff, that the Board ensure that the public be allowed to comment in a way that preserves their security and the security of our democracy. After all, that is the very purpose of “Public Comment.”
Thank you for your consideration of this important item.
Mendocino Cannabis Alliance