Meeting Time: May 03, 2022 at 9:00am PDT

Agenda Item

4a) Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Presentation of the Fiscal Year (FY) 2021-22 3rd Quarter Budget Report on the Status of County Departmental Spending and Revenues For FY 2021-22 and Executive Office Recommendations; and Adoption of Resolution Amending the FY 2021-22 Adopted Budget (Sponsor: Executive Office)

   Oppose     Neutral     Support    
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    Kevin Bush over 2 years ago

    We support the position of the Mendocino Cannabis Alliance

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    Christina Colangelo over 2 years ago

    I am a cannabis farmer in the 3rd district in Willits on Third Gate Rd.

    I wholly support what MCA is recommending and I echo their statements in full.

    Without cannabis Mendocino will be a poor rural county with no jobs and no industry. Make it easier for people to permit their farms or face the consequences of a declining local economy, continued job loss, and plummeting property value. Stores and people are suffering and you can change it for the better. Act on our behalf and you can help save all the businesses that rely on cannabis dollars. Advocate at the state level, and change it at the county level, by reducing the over regulation and over taxation of small cannabis farmers. Let the numbers speak for themselves.


    Christina Colangelo
    Milagro Naturals, Inc

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    Michael Katz over 2 years ago

    Honorable Supervisors:

    The Mendocino Cannabis Alliance takes this opportunity to comment on the County’s Budget Report, which shows again how critical cannabis tax dollars are for our economy. The numbers speak louder than words and they call out for your direct action in support of all our operators who are trying so desperately to become part of the legal industry.

    What numbers jump out from the Executive Office Report?

    The first chart indicates a decrease in the county sales tax and attributes this lost revenue to a “continual decrease in the cannabis market” as well as less purchases of consumer goods being made locally.

    The second chart shows predicted cannabis revenue vs actual cannabis revenue. Cannabis tax revenue exceeded projections since fiscal year 2019-2020 by nearly 8 MILLION DOLLARS. The cannabis industry in Mendocino County is second only to the highest standard tax revenue source, which is property taxes. As is noted in the Report, the collateral damage in lost revenue to business from garden supply stores to restaurants and bars, real estate, gas stations and grocery stores -- ALL have lost significant revenue from the drop in local cannabis spending dollars.

    MCA calls on the Board of Supervisors to take direct action immediately to protect the operators generating this much needed revenue for our local businesses. Lower taxes and permit fees. Help us advocate more vigorously in Sacramento for lower state taxes and fees, and direct sales for small farmers through AB2691. Mendocino can and must be vocally on the side of those counties that are working to save, and benefit from, a healthy and vibrant cannabis industry.

    We request direction for the General Government Committee or the County Lobbyist to engage directly with MCA and Origins Council on the State level to help optimize the County’s efforts in supporting our community.

    Thank you for your kind consideration.

    Mendocino Cannabis Alliance