I urge the Board not to request a county-wide 1/2 cent sales tax on the November ballot. I believe it would compete with and undermine support for the citizens' initiated Library tax measure. But more importantly, this proposal does not seem to have been well-documented or justified. It seems a slap-dash bid for more revenue, using water & fire as the selling point, but with no specific programs or budget for how the funds would actually be spent. It amounts to "Trust us", and frankly, I don't. Both fire & water are clearly important issues, but they require specific plans and often localized solutions. Such a proposal should have been developed over months & years, not "on the fly".
I urge the Board not to request a county-wide 1/2 cent sales tax on the November ballot. I believe it would compete with and undermine support for the citizens' initiated Library tax measure. But more importantly, this proposal does not seem to have been well-documented or justified. It seems a slap-dash bid for more revenue, using water & fire as the selling point, but with no specific programs or budget for how the funds would actually be spent. It amounts to "Trust us", and frankly, I don't. Both fire & water are clearly important issues, but they require specific plans and often localized solutions. Such a proposal should have been developed over months & years, not "on the fly".
Comments by Janet Pauli supporting Agenda Item 6a...see attached comments