Agenda Item
3m) Approval of Retroactive Amendment to BOS Agreement No. 22-080 (Third Amendment to Agreement No. PH-21-012) with Schat's Bakery, in the Amount of $25,000 for a New Agreement Total of $125,000, to Provide Nutritionally Appropriate and Balanced Meals for Individuals in Quarantine, Effective September 27, 2021, Through a New End Date of December 31, 2022 (Original End Date: June 30, 2022)
Legislation Text
Agreement 22-080-A1
Schats Bakery Amendment $50,000 ($100,000), 21-22, PH COVID, BOS 22-080 (FINAL)
Schats Bakery PH Amendment $25.0000 (50,000), PH, 21-22, PH-21-012-A1
Schat's Bakery, $25,000, 21-22, PH COVID, PH-21-012