Meeting Time: October 04, 2022 at 9:00am PDT

Agenda Item

4h) Discussion and Possible Action Including (1) Adoption of a Resolution Approving and Adopting an Addendum to the Previously Adopted Mitigated Negative Declaration, in Compliance with California Environmental Quality Act Requirements, for Amendments to Chapter 10A.17 of the Mendocino County Code to Establish an Appeals Process and Define Department as the Cannabis Department; and (2) Introduction and Waive First Reading of an Ordinance Amending Chapter 10A.17 - Mendocino Cannabis Cultivation Ordinance to Establish an Appeals Process and Define Department as the Cannabis Department (Sponsor: County Counsel)

   Oppose     Neutral     Support    
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    Six Nguyen almost 2 years ago

    I am in full support of Hannah Nelson's memo. The system has been set up to disenfranchise operators to continue, Hannah's notes helps realign the necessary and fairness behind the appeals process.
    Six Nguyen
    Endo Industries

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    Todd Cass almost 2 years ago

    Honorable Supervisors,
    The early days of the County's permit application process in 2017 and 2018 seem fair and friendly compared to the rigid, rushed, and arbitrary portal process of 2021. It was frightening that one's livelihood could be eliminated with little negotiation or recourse. It is absolutely essential that the County support its cultivators, and a big part of it is a fair and reasonable appeals process. Once again I found the letter on this item written by Hannah Nelson to be an informative and important contribution for your careful consideration.
    Todd Cass

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    Jim Roberts almost 2 years ago

    I fully support of Hannah Nelsons memo on this agenda item.
    - Jim Roberts
    The Madrones & The Brambles
    The Bohemian Chemist

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    Laura Clein almost 2 years ago

    Dear Supervisors,

    We need your help! You all have said that you support getting as many farms through this process as possible. The process continues to become more difficult while the market crashes at the same time. You know we’ve have all been in this program for more than 5 years, through 6 directors & 3 departments, each with what seems like various views of the direction & scope of the process. We are the ones who are still here! We are the small farms that have been in it all along working toward compliance with the ever-changing regulations. Our farm was we ready to go, to do our own CEQA for the State, permit in hand in 2017. The County told us to wait. We had multiple inspections & were told for years we were in good standing. Each renewal of our County permit has been a new process, we have paid our fees & taxes, done each thing we have been asked to do, we got through CDFW’s SSHR & AQ, re-did our map in 2021, etc. etc. etc. Yet, recently even we have been called into question. Appeals is a necessary mechanism. And on this item, we beg you to listen to Hannah Nelson’s memo & make the changes to the appeals process that are a more fair for all involved in it.

    Thank you, Laura & Marty Clein

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    Jennifer Procacci almost 2 years ago

    I am writing in support of Hannah Nelson’s memo on this agenda item.

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    Kevin Bush almost 2 years ago

    Honorable Supervisors,
    We are in support of the attached Memo submitted to you by Attorney Hannah Nelson with respect to the appeals process, Personally I would have given up on the process if it were not for the clear thinking leadership of Hannah. She is hope's beacon of light. I have had the privilege of participating in discussions with other states from a social equity perspective as they move forward with legalization and every one of the emerging programs are looking to California for leadership. More recently, I attended a meeting of International Cannabis Professionals. The agenda focused on the emerging markets in Puerto Rico, Columbia, Panama, Asia and the EU. The overall consensus was that the United States and in particular, California, with its rich history of legacy cultivation, is expected to lead the way and has an opportunity to dominate the international market.
    Thank you for working diligently to keep Mendocino "Green".

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    Alexander Cummings almost 2 years ago

    Please look to the detailed guidance outlined in the memo provided by Hannah Nelson regarding the creation of an appeals process

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    Marnie Birger almost 2 years ago

    I fully support Hannah Nelson's memo for Agenda Item 4h for the BOS meeting on 10/4/22.
    Thank you,
    Marnie Birger
    District3 resident

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    Josh Artman almost 2 years ago

    Bluenose Botanicals fully supports Hannah Nelson's memo on this agenda item.
    Josh Artman

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    Michael Katz almost 2 years ago

    Honorable Supervisors,

    MCA fully supports the memo from Hannah Nelson on this agenda item and urges the Board to address the concerns raised so as to actually create a meaningful opportunity for appeal.


    Mendocino Cannabis Alliance

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    Hannah Nelson almost 2 years ago

    Please see my attached memos for Agenda item 4h (main memo and also a memo presented to AdHoc and County Counsel at a Stakeholder meeting on 8/25/22