Meeting Time: October 17, 2022 at 1:30pm PDT

Agenda Item

2a) Discussion and Possible Action Including Providing Recommendations to Staff Regarding the Local Jurisdiction Assistance Grants Program Direct Grant and Fee Waiver Program Manual (LJAGP Program Manual); and Referral of the LJAGP Program Manual to the Board of Supervisors for Approval (Sponsor: Cannabis)

   Oppose     Neutral     Support    
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    Chantal Simonpietri over 2 years ago

    Hello Supervisors,
    While I appreciate having an insight into the path forward for applying for and receiving LJAGP funds as offered in the draft manual, I oppose the recommendation of the manual to the full Board for approval. The primary reason for my opposition is that this draft is incomplete, and requires additional information and discussion prior to full Board review.

    I recommend that the MCD consult with the permitting and enforcement programs of the associated state agencies (CDFW and State Water Resources Control Board) such that grant program accomplishes its stated goals.

    Consultation with CDFW's Cannabis Restoration Grant Program (CRGP) is also strongly recommended. The CRGP program has an excellent and robust grant application and administration program, including a solicitation notice, pre-application and full application document, consultation during scope development, technical (numeric) review criteria, and fiscal responsibility procedures.

    The draft manual is lacking in specificity in some areas, but overly specific in others. The draft manual fails to include numeric review criteria against which applications will be compared to measure their ability to accomplish the grant's stated goals. The grant contains a specific upper threshold award amount that is arbitrary and unrelated to the specific needs of each cultivator's project. The manual lacks any information regarding alignment and cooperation with the existing LEEP program. Additionally, the proposal fails to identify who will be reviewing the applications, whether it be a selection committee, MCD staff, or a subcontractor, and according to what criteria applications will be compared.

    I recommend that the four (4) stated purposes for direct grant funds usage be expanded to include a fifth use: grant application drafting and management. This would allow cultivators to contract with a grant writer and project manager to assess their overall project, what needs they have for basic compliance, development goals (ie. additional water storage, improved buildings), and business success, and create a funding application plan that is comprehensive and well-thought out with consideration of multiple funding sources.

    I strongly encourage the GGC to direct or recommend the MCD to conduct a series of stakeholder meetings to take this draft manual from its current state to a more robust, transparent, and effective version. And, I support the MCA Memo regarding this agenda item.

    Chantal Simonpietri
    Mainspring Consulting

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    Laura Clein over 2 years ago

    A quick note to thank you Supervisors Gjerde & Mulheren for taking on cannabis conversation as a part of this General Government Committee. We appreciate the continued work of the County staff & we agree with the memos sent in by MCA. As stakeholders & members of this community we look forward to further clarity about grants, the permit process, etc. Thank you! Laura & Marty Clein

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    Jed Davis over 2 years ago

    I support and strongly urge the committee to consider the suggestions made by the Mendocino Cannabis Alliance.

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    david silverstone over 2 years ago

    please remember that all solar systems require and employ generators as essential elements and function of solar system design. all solar contractors require systems to have back up generators for the maintenance of battery systems that are utilized during winter and on grey days to maintain battery functionality and health. we want to have more solar systems to steer away from generator use and so we must also employ efficient generators into properly designed systems to make solar a reality for use off grid. there can be no solar system without a generator backup and so we must make sure the allowance of the correct home back up efficient generators be allowed and employed in proper solar system design and construction.

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    Michael Katz over 2 years ago

    Honorable Supervisors,

    Attached please find MCA's memo for Item 2a being discussed on Monday 10-17.

    We are available to discuss further at your convenience.


    Mendocino Cannabis Alliance