Meeting Time: February 07, 2023 at 9:00am PST

Agenda Item


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    Hannah Nelson about 2 years ago

    Please see attached letter to Chair McGourty sent by me on 1/29

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    Alexander Cummings about 2 years ago

    Good Morning Board of Supervisors,
    I am writing as a local small business owner in support of the MCA memo to the board. Thank you for your consideration and action to help benefit our community and county.

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    Monique Ramirez about 2 years ago

    Honorable Supervisors,

    Please find the attached memo for Public Expression regarding expanding raid criteria for the LEEP manual submitted by the Mendocino Cannabis Alliance.

    Thank you,
    Monique Ramirez
    Mendocino Cannabis Alliance

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    Blaire AuClair about 2 years ago

    Honorable Supervisors,
    We wanted to be sure the Board was aware of a recent report put out by the Berkeley Cannabis
    Research Center (please see link in document attached for full report) with policy findings related to cannabis in California. Taken from their report they state:

    “This report presents multiple pathways for consideration by state and local
    governments, in their efforts to improve cannabis cultivation policy. The policy options
    contained herein span authorities: some would require legislative action, some could be
    pursued through state regulation or local ordinances, and some may even require a
    ballot initiative. We leave the determination of these matters to others more
    knowledgeable of the legalities of each policy Issue.”

    This report is an incredible body of work that outlines many possible solutions for our local
    government to consider. We hope the Board will take the time to read the 28 page report which
    highlights the need to work at both local and state levels to refine policies to have a better
    functioning cannabis economy across California.

    Many of the recommendations made by MCA for the 2023 Legislative Platform align directly with
    items covered in the report, and we urge the Board to take an active role in making sure that in
    addition to implementing what we can here at home, that the County vocally advocates for these
    recommendations at the state level.

    Mendocino Cannabis Alliance

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    Michael Katz about 2 years ago

    Honorable Supervisors,

    Please see the attached memo regarding our significant concerns about the roll out of the LJAGP applications.

    Thank you for your attention to this important matter.


    Mendocino Cannabis Alliance

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    Monique Ramirez about 2 years ago

    Good morning Supervisors,

    Please find the MCA memo attached concerning the Resource Innovation Institute contract.

    Thank you for taking the time to read this public expression on non agenda items.

    Mendocino Cannabis Alliance