4c) Discussion and Possible Action Including (1) Adoption of CEQA Resolution Regarding Addendum To The Previously Adopted Mitigated Negative Declaration; and (2) Introduction and Waive First Reading of an Ordinance Amending Section 10A.17 of the Mendocino County Code To Provide Clarity to Ambiguous Terms Regarding the Tree Removal Prohibition
(Sponsor: County Counsel and Cannabis)
this is especially devious. we've had fires here, and some trees are dangerous.
Some trees fall all on their own - they are dead.
You need to clarify safety with "removing trees for cultivation".
I support the Mendocino cannabis alliance memo submitted to board
this is especially devious. we've had fires here, and some trees are dangerous.
Some trees fall all on their own - they are dead.
You need to clarify safety with "removing trees for cultivation".
Honorable Supervisors,
Please review the attached memo from MCA regarding this agenda item.
Thank you for your consideration of the questions and comments we raise.
Mendocino Cannabis Alliance
e: info@mendocannabis.com