Meeting Time: October 17, 2023 at 9:00am PDT

Agenda Item

4c) Noticed Public Hearing - Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Appeal of the Zoning Administrator's Action Approving the Name Lincoln Ridge Road for a Private Road Serving Approximately 17 Parcels in the Westport Area, Currently Known as Seaview Drive (Sponsor: Planning and Building Services)

   Oppose     Neutral     Support    
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    Bill Knapp 11 months ago

    The Westport Municipal Advisory Council (WMAC) strongly supports the appeal to NOT change the address of the parcel holding the Howard Creek Ranch Inn from 40501 North Highway 1. The full text of a letter from the WMAC to the Board of supervisors and the Department of Planning and Building follows:

    Mendocino County Board of Supervisors
    501 Low Gap Road
    Ukiah, CA 95482
    RE: County ordered change of business address of Howard Creek Ranch Inn Bed and Breakfast

    This issue was brought to the attention of the WMAC at its regularly scheduled October 5th meeting. Sonny and Sally Grigg have owned and operated the Howard Creek Ranch Inn on their property at 40501 North Highway 1, Westport, CA. for 50+ years. Their business is an anchor and landmark destination for Westport and is important to the community’s economy. It is not a “commercial transient occupancy operation”, aka motel, as stated in the Memorandum from Russ Ford dated October 17,2023. The business has an established and loyal repeat clientele, many of whom communicate via USPS. The address change will cause unnecessary cost and guest confusion with direct harmful consequences to the business and indirectly to the Westport community.

    WMAC conclusion:
    After discussion and deliberation the WMAC is strongly opposed to the county’s decision to change the Howard Creek Ranch Inn address. Further WMAC strongly recommends that if any action has been taken by the county related to propagating the address change to any state or federal agency that action should be reversed by the same means of communication taken to initiate the change. Application of Recommended Action (3), from the October 17, 2023 Agenda, would resolve the issue.

    Background information used in WMAC deliberations:
    1. The purpose of the address change, as stated in a letter dated June 20, 2023 from Lisa Foster on County of Mendocino Department of Planning and Building Service is; “These changes will facilitate both the delivery of emergency services and the convenience of the general public.”.

    2. The 40501 N Highway 1 address is consistent with the addresses of other properties to the north and to the south that abut North Highway 1. A separate letter from the Westport Volunteer Fire Department concluded, “Changing the address of the Howard Creek Ranch Inn to an address on Lincoln Ridge Road will be likely to cause confusion for agencies responding to 911 emergency calls at the Howard Creek Ranch Inn”.

    3. From the October 17, 2023 BoS meeting Agenda: Noticed Public Hearing — Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Appeal of the Zoning Administrator's Action Approving the Name Lincoln Ridge Road for a Private Road Serving Approximately 17 Parcels in the Westport Area, Currently Known as Seaview Drive
    (Sponsor: Planning and Building Services)
    Recommended Action:
    Hold the Noticed Public Hearing and either (1) deny the appeal and apply the name Lincoln Ridge Road for the private road and all parcels addressed therefrom, (2) uphold the appeal and retain the name Seaview Drive for the road and all parcels addressed therefrom, or (3) uphold the name Lincoln Ridge Road but assess new address assignments individually and direct staff to make changes at the discretion of the Board.

    4. Statements provided by the Griggs to the county described the harm that would incur to their business by the address change.

    5. As a result of an appeal against RN 2022-0005 PBS (Westport Way), properties located on the frontage road with Highway 1 frontage and having Seaview Drive addresses will be given Highway 1 addresses. Properties located on the same frontage road with Highway 1 addresses will retain their existing address. 40501 N Highway 1 fits this description and should have been included with the other addresses included in the RN 2022-0005 appeal with the result of no address change.

    Bill Knapp, WMAC Vice-Chair
    CC: Russ Ford, Senior Planner PBS
    Lisa Foster, Cartographer Planner PBS