Meeting Time: October 17, 2023 at 9:00am PDT

Agenda Item

4e) Discussion and Possible Action Including Introduction and Waive First Reading of an Ordinance Amending Chapters 20.118 and 20.119 of the Mendocino County Code to Amend the Procedures to Establish or Modify Cannabis Accommodation and Commercial Cannabis Prohibition Districts and Eliminate the Listing of Individual Districts (Sponsors: County Counsel and Planning and Building Services)

   Oppose     Neutral     Support    
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    Alex Anzilotti 11 months ago

    CP and CA zones were created by a democratic process involving the County, consultants, and the voters - why does the BOS, without warning or notice to anyone living in these zones, want to take away and weaken these democratic rights won by the voters? Let's be real, cannabis will not save the financial dilemma that faces Mendocino County. And likewise, not everyone wants cannabis in their neighborhood. Today's "AG" properties are mostly non-conforming and not true to the zoning label in many cases; so many of these residential neighborhoods live in very close proximity to each other - which make those smaller AG zoned properties not ideal for introducing cannabis to an area where it never existed, legal or otherwise. The CP districts give neighbors the right to come together to decide what is appropriate in their area; and at least three areas in the past have voted with a majority of 94% or more in FAVOR of CP districts for their dismantle these rights for other neighborhoods is contentious at best. I strongly urge the BOS to leave these CP and CA amendments intact, and to keep the rights in the hands of the neighborhoods and voters.

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    Tamara Kislak 11 months ago

    Cannabis is agriculture. Where permitted by zoning it should be allowed like all other crops.

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    Colleen Mack 11 months ago

    I strongly oppose any amendment to an ordinance that protects the safety and well being of so many residents, constituents and families that would be adversely affected by potentially eliminating CP districts in Mendocino county. I personally spent countless hours in 2019-20 following your strict requirements to provide documents, petitions and money in order for you to consider a CP zone for our small community. Our petitioners gave you thousands of dollars for paperwork that we essentially provided to you. You listened, examined maps and made a decision in the interest of families, children and residents. There were no cannabis farms within this zone that were affected. On August 4, 2020, we were granted CP status for Fracchia Rd/Bisby Ave.
    How can you even contemplate red-lining an ordinance that we entrusted you to uphold ? You created this ordinance to protect us and it is written in the law that we are protected for 10 years. Yet, 3 years later, you want to red-line us? You want to “waive” a first reading?
    I have to wonder what is driving this sudden urgency to disband CP zones without public notice or input.
    I urge you to step up to the plate to protect all of your constituents - not just a select few who catch your attention. We followed all the rules and regulations you made - please honor the ordinances you created in the interest of the people - not the industry. Surely you can find a solution that will serve both the people and the industry - in a fair and just way.
    Maybe I have just misinterpreted what you are trying to do ? I sincerely hope so - I want to think you have the decency to honor your word and look out for all the people you serve.

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    Martha Barra 11 months ago

    Here we go again. By this proposed amendment, the Board is taking away the right of those living in neighborhoods to retain the value of their properties, protect their safety and ensure their way of life they believed they paid for when they took up residence in their particular area. And none of the above takes into account the detrimental effects on the environment that growers have a reputation for destroying.

    Questions: Why was the "first reading" waived? Why did this not go to the Planning Commission first? Why is the board supporting a small number of the residents of Mendocino County when it has been well established that at least 90% see this as a dying industry that has caused more problems for our County than good. Where is the redeeming value where only six-eight applicants in our County actually have their State license? Provisionals are going to go away. Then what? Please leave the CP code as it stands without amendments.

    Could you please have County Counsel explain what "In addition, sections listing the various existing combining districts will be deleted." That is unconstitutional to take that zoning right away after promising the protections allowed in the CP zones.

    The County coffers gain nothing by this proposal, and many residents will be injured because of it. As I see it, it behooves the electorate to make sure whoever sits on the Planning Commission or the Board of Supervisors understands the implications and importance of CP zoning. It would be interesting to know which one of the Supervisors has been the "pusher" to bring this proposal forward. I am asking the board to consider the biggest majority of the voters, not one specific small group, and protect the rights of those who have depended on the CP zoning
    for their health and safety. (Maybe there should be a majority of the Board to put zoning issues on the agenda.)

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    Jo Galbreath 11 months ago

    Please approve these amendments and help our local economy.

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    Michael Katz 11 months ago

    Honorable Supervisors and County Staff,

    Please review the attached memo from MCA for item 4e, in which we raise some questions and make some recommendations regarding the proposed changes to the Cannabis Prohibition & Accommodation Districts.

    Please let me know if you have any questions or if there is any additional information we can provide.

    Thank you for your consideration.


    Mendocino Cannabis Alliance