Meeting Time: February 06, 2024 at 9:00am PST

Agenda Item

4c) Discussion and Possible Action Including Direction to Planning & Building Services Staff Regarding Prioritization and Scope for the Redwood Valley Municipal Advisory Council Draft Community Action Plan and Design Guidelines Adoption Process (Sponsor: Planning and Building Services)

   Oppose     Neutral     Support    
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    Patricia RisYarbrough about 1 year ago

    Please accept The Redwood Valley Community Action Plan today. It’s been six years in the making and contains the thoughts and wishes of the people in Redwood Valley (who, btw first conceived of a community plan in 2006). Nothing therein has not been polled, thought over, discussed or thoughtfully penned down and reviewed again by representatives of the community of Redwood Valley. It’s now time to put your vote in favor of adoption of this plan.

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    Christine Boyd about 1 year ago

    I strongly support the Board's immediate adoption of the Redwood Valley MAC Community Action Plan and Design Guidelines. As a founding member of the RVMAC and its first Chair, I have been part of the over 7-year process to update the 2004 Redwood Valley Community Action Plan. At dozens of public meetings and innumerable small working group meetings, we have developed this Plan and are now, as the Redwood Valley Municipal Advisory Council, are ADVISING the County to adopt it as written and revised. Now, having watched this Board and other County functions fairly often in recent years, I've observed a disturbing tendency of some Board and staff members to ignore sound advice from well informed stakeholders in making decisions. Many of these decisions involve land use. For Redwood Valley, these Guidelines are BIG. In 2004, before the last big update of the General Plan, our community submitted a Plan that was largely ignored by the County and staff. Often, it's difficult for the County to gain input on "boring" issues like General Plans. But in the case of Redwood Valley, we've been developing input for you over the last two decades! Then, we elect officials like yourselves whom we expect to pay attention to their constituents. Failure of governments on all levels, local to national, to pay attention to constituents is at the core of a great deal of anger and frustration on the part of Americans. If all government is local, start here. Don't kick cans down the road. Make good decisions instead. We in your audience frequently hear reasons for non-action: the County will be sued (what else is new?); we don't have the funds (as always); we don't have staff time (work fills the time allotted); we don't fully understand the issues (that's why you have MACs and other adisory groups); etc. This is a simple decision: adopt this plan and guidelines. We, your RVMAC, will work to ensure it is read, understood, and known in our community. Its adoption will help prevent ongoing degradation to our beautiful rural community, and continuance of the improvement of our lived environment and its ability to sustain its residents through home-grown businesses, professions, the power of nature and of home pride. Please vote to adopt these documents TODAY. Thank you.

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    Sheilah Rogers about 1 year ago

    It is time to

    Yes, let's please move this forward as a voice from the Redwood Valley community.

    p.s. just got power back during this wild storm

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    marybeth kelly about 1 year ago

    Please advise Building & Planning to start the adoption process for the Redwood Valley Community Action Plan (CAP). We the citizens have been at this a long long time. In fact, the original CAP created by the citizens was shelved by the County and forgotten about until we discovered it while fighting Dollar General. Enough already! We have worked hard and long to check all the boxes and get this plan submitted. Please advise PBS to start the adoption process before some of us start dying on the vine while waiting!!
    Marybeth Kelly, 32 year Redwood Valley homeowner/resident, retired EPMS teacher, RVMAC member, Secretary of Redwood Valley Grange....and mother, veteran & paratrooper!