Agenda Item
2c) Discussion and Possible Action Including Consideration of Potential Revisions to Mendocino County Code (MCC) Chapter 8.77, Titled "Hazardous Vegetation, Combustible Material, Rubbish, and Weeds" (Abatement of Hazardous Vegetation and Combustible Material Nuisance Ordinance) and Evaluating Potential Funding Sources for Implementation
(Sponsor: Supervisor Haschak)
In addition to long-term efforts to address the enforcement of the Nuisance Abatement Ordinance, it is important to get a near-term mailing effort going to utilize the MCFSC and SFC grant funds that are currently available. While we look at the long-term solutions, both MCFSC and SFC plan to mail to vacant lot owners that are part of the SFC Roadside Fuel Reduction project and / or for the MCFSC Defensible Space project.
SFC wants to include a "message line" on the outside envelope that says something like "Take advantage of this free service and avoid possible Nuisance Abatement costs (Mendocino County Ord)" We could try a couple of outside envelope MESSAGES - "Grant Funded Abatement Service" vs "FREE Vegetation Management Service" or whatever else may get someone to respond and track the results.
We would like for the County to provide a current property owner mailing list for the next mailing of about 300 pieces to make sure we have the latest owner mailing data. SFC can provide a list of APN's for the current Roadside Fuel Reduction parcels and MCFSC with a list of vacant lots within the 100' defensible space of adjacent houses in Brooktrails.
In the long term we need to send a letter to all vacant parcels within the 100' defensible space of a Brooktrails house as a priority to see what kind of response that gets. About 1,500 homes total in Brooktrails - many don't have adjacent vacant lots - but there will still be over 1,500 vacant lots (not counting BTCSD lots and owners of lots adjacent to their home) so this would be a pretty big mailing - but very important especially when considering the FEMA BRIC grant potential needs for access permission.