Meeting Time: September 10, 2024 at 9:00am PDT

Agenda Item


   Oppose     Neutral     Support    
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    Elise Cox 6 months ago

    This comment is in reference to the public requests for data on spending on homelessness. In KZYX's recent reporting on the Point of Time count of homeless in Mendocino County, we learned the the county does not track occupancy of shelter beds. They do count occupancy count in coordination with the Point in Time count (occupancy on a single winter day) but they do not count the occupancy of each bed over time.

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    Don Shanley 6 months ago

    Oppose with extreme prejudice the Board's move to "ratify" their July 31, 2024 Letter of Support for SB620 (Low Impact Camping).

    This support letter completely ignores overwhelming public opposition (over 60 written comments) to the Planning Commission at their August meeting. Ignoring constituents as well as the County Planning Commission who outline unaddressed, myriad common sense issues of public safety as well as private road restrictions. This back door "ratification" is reminiscent of the CEO and Supes eviction of the Veteran Service Office on Ukiah. Does the County really need now to devote months of battle over legitimate concerns merely to placate and please a State legislator?