Meeting Time: September 10, 2024 at 9:00am PDT

Agenda Item

3aj) Authorization to Award the Request for Proposals for Energy Savings Performance Contracting Services, including Contracts for Both Planning and Consulting Services and Future Energy Savings Performance Contracts, to Ameresco, a Delaware Corporation; and Approval of a Project Development Agreement with Ameresco to Complete Investment Grade Audits for the Development of Energy Savings Projects at Selected County Facilities for the Term of September 10, 2024, through December 31, 2026

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    Eileen Mitro at September 09, 2024 at 1:29pm PDT

    A standing ovation is in order for this item! First, to every one of you Supervisors who all voted to set aside funds through the Net Zero Carbon Reduction Resolution a few years ago. It has been a profound struggle to keep the funds in place and find a contractor to do the work to begin the process of making the County buildings energy efficient. Second, to the County staff who have worked tirelessly to get to the point of putting out a Request for Proposals to have the work done, reviewing the proposals and then tediously working through the details of the contract. And third, to the County CEO, Darcie Antle, for keeping the funds in place so that this authorization is finally on the BOS agenda. Bravo to all of you. The great news is that the County will benefit a lot financially as less energy is used and the buildings become more comfortable for staff. The obvious climate news is that the County will be using energy that is cleaner and more efficient. Climate Action Mendocino is very grateful to all of you for moving this topic forward.