Meeting Time: September 10, 2024 at 9:00am PDT

Agenda Item

3ak) Authorization for the Executive Division Manager to Establish a Capital Improvement Project to Complete the Installation of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations for Employee Use at the Avila Center, 752 South Franklin Street, Fort Bragg in the Amount of $75,000 and Authorization for the Chief Executive Officer or Designee to Negotiate and Execute a Workplace Electric Vehicle Charging Research Project Participation Agreement with the Sonoma Clean Power Authority for the Charging Stations; and Approval of Appropriation Transfer of Funds in the Amount of $55,000 from Fund 1225-865802-DR613 Operating Transfer Out Carbon Reduction Funds, Revenues of $20,000 to Fund 1201-CI-827801 from Sonoma Clean Power, $55,000 to Fund 1201-CI-827802 Operating Transfer In, and $75,000 to Fund 1201-CI-864360 Structure & Improvements

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    Eileen Mitro at September 09, 2024 at 1:32pm PDT

    Climate Action Mendocino is glad to see this item on the agenda to install EV charging stations at Avila Center. A big thank you to staff for moving this along. Pity the EV chargers cannot be made available to the public. Perhaps that can be arranged at some other point in time.