Meeting Time: September 24, 2024 at 9:00am PDT

Agenda Item

3c) Direction to Department of Transportation (DOT) Staff to Perform Speed Surveys for Albion Ridge Road and Little River Airport Road at a Time and Manner Most Efficient for the Department (Sponsor: Supervisor Williams)

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    ANNEMARIE WEIBEL 24 days ago

    3c) Direction to Department of Transportation (DOT) Staff to Perform Speed Surveys for Albion Ridge Road and Little River Airport Road at a Time and Manner Most Efficient for the Department (Sponsor: Supervisor Williams)
    The California Highway Patrol, Ukiah Area, supports the initiation of speed surveys on the Mendocino County roads of Albion Ridge Road and Little River Airport Road. If an enforceable speed limit is adopted, the use of radar and lidar would be authorized for enhanced speed enforcement.

    As this is a consent calendar item you might just approve all these items without wanting to pull any from your agenda and discuss them. I hope that you at least read my comments and come up with a creative idea to deal with the problem I am expressing.

    Rather than pay for an officer trained in the use of radar and lidar and equipped with a car that has these devices installed, and pay for the checking of these cars and the devices twice a year I would appreciate that the County Department of Transportation would fix the bad roads. Albion Ridge Road is ok for about 1 mile up and usually gets worse from there on up. It is an approximately 7 mile long road. It is a dead end road. In the last few years the road has gotten worse and worse. Many people have their garbage picked up and many have Fed Ex and UPS deliver packages to them. In addition the logging trucks impact the roads. When residents complain about the condition of the road they are told that the County has no money to deal with these roads. Locals need to pay money once a year to deal with the alignment of their cars. It is especially hard on hybrid cars. These cars drive well on well maintained roads. Also the County does not have money to mow the invasive scotch broom which is very flammable, nor the grasses and brush on the sides of the road. There is less visibility due to these plants. In addition there is dry brush that is a fire danger often left behind by PG&E’s crews and their subcontractors. They are an additional fire danger, which is especially worrisome on a dead end road.

    I am aware that there were several accidents on Albion Ridge Road over the years. I know of someone that died on this road as this person was intoxicated. Another person died as the seat belt suffocated the person inside the vehicle. The road that is curvy in places is laid out wrong so that people who do not know the road, or are not used to drive on bumpy roads can easily overturn their vehicles. Some people ditched their cars as they fell asleep, or for some other reason. At times it is hard to see especially at night or if it is foggy, as there is no lighting on Albion Ridge Road. To have deep ditches necessary for the water to drain in the pygmy area makes it challenging, especially as the road is narrow and at one point is so narrow that only one car can use the road at one time. As there is barely any maintenance performed on Albion Ridge Road the road also gets narrower as time goes on.

    I am less familiar with Little River Airport Road other that it is also at times in a very bad condition. With the Woods, a residence for Seniors, it is especially crucial that the road is maintained properly.

    Rather than spending the money on special cars, radars, lidars, and the training of “speed enforcement“ officers I am in favor of using that money to maintain these roads. Locals have made “slow down” signs that let people know that it is important to slow down. Also, we often have various animals crossing the roads. Many of the hybrid and electric cars are so quiet that animals do not hear them coming until it is too late.

    Sincerely, Annemarie Weibel