Meeting Time: October 22, 2024 at 9:00am PDT

Agenda Item

4g) Discussion and Possible Action Including Direction to Staff Regarding Additional Staff Support Specifically for the Board of Supervisors (Sponsor: Supervisor McGourty)

   Oppose     Neutral     Support    
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    Elise Cox 2 months ago

    Can staff explore a partnership with KZYX around community outreach? Leveraging the existing communications infrastructure and expertise makes sense.

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    Martha Barra 2 months ago

    It is about time the Board was given independent administrative support outside the CAO's office to provide research, reply to constituent questions, gather additional information regarding agenda items, etc., all at the direction of the BOS.
    Martha Barra

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    Charlene McAllister 2 months ago

    Supervisor McGourty’s proposal for a focused conversation about how to take our BOS to the next level of effectiveness identifies five areas where he feels there is an important need/ opportunity for improvement. These topics are all clearly important aspects of good government and/or good management within the Board/CEO framework.
    The League of Women Voters of Mendocino County applauds and supports the project of defining these needs and looking for the best and most available ways of meeting them.
    Charlene McAllister, President LWV Mendocino County

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    Peter McNamee 2 months ago

    When I was Counrty Clerk/Recorder in Yolo County 40 years ago, Supervisors were provided one administrative assistant that they hired and directly supervises. It was a good system from the standpoint that it increased the ability of Supervisors to directly help their constituents with county problems without having a conflict of interest about the rightness or wrongness of any county agency’s actions.

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    Karen Bowers 2 months ago

    Appropriate staff support for our County Supervisors is long overdue and is critical to going forward to address our population's current and growing needs. Our Supervisors deserve the appropriate resources to best serve the people of Mendocino County. I served as staff to County Supervisor in Richmond, Ca. I worked on special regional projects like organizing and meeting with representatives from jurisdictions along the I-80 corridor to develop requests to Caltrans for mitigation measures associated with the I-80 widening project. Our office had three staff members for the following purposes: answer constituent calls, provide administrative support, special regional projects. We had a field office including our 3 staff members and our County Supervisor. It is time for our County to get professional. Please support this item. Karen Bowers, Chair, Coast Democratic Club.