Agenda Item
3k) Approval of Third Amendment to Board of Supervisors Agreement No. BOS-21-224, with Granicus, LLC, in the Amount of $4,662.04, for a New Agreement Total of $187,564.80, to Update the Budget for Services Under the Master Subscription Agreement, Effective December 24, 2024, through December 23, 2025
Agenda Summary
Agreement 21-224-A3
Original Agreement - 21-224executed agreement
Amendment 1 - Granicus LLC, Amendment, $0 ($176,597.29), COB, 23-24, BOS-21-224-A1, Final
Amendment 2 - Granicus, Amendment 2, $6,305.47 ($182,902.76), 21-23, COB, BOS-21-224-A2