Meeting Time: December 17, 2024 at 9:00am PST

Agenda Item

3l) Authorization to Award to and Approval of an Agreement with FRC, Incorporated in the Amount of $197,000 for the Repair of the Front Entry Façade of the Agriculture - Farm Advisor Building at 890 Bush Street in Ukiah for the Period of Sixty Calendar Days from the Date of Issuance of the Notice to Proceed; Approval of the Agriculture - Farm Advisor Entry Façade Repair Project Plans and Specifications; and Approval of Expenditure of $50,000 of Unanticipated Capital Improvement Funding to Increase the Project Budget from $200,000 to $250,000

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    Scott WARD 3 months ago

    Dear Honorable Board of Supervisors

    I read through the bid award for the repair of the Agriculrure Building facade. A few questions came to mind.

    1. Will the project include compliance with the California Green Building Code?

    2. Will the repair and alteration include accessibility upgrade as is required by California Building Code Chapter 11B? I the project costs are over $200,006 full accessibility (ADA) upgrade is required.

    3. Will the project be submitted to the Building Department for plan review and inspection?

    Perhaps this consent calendar item should be pulled for discussion.


    Scott Ward
    Scott Ward Company