Meeting Time: February 11, 2025 at 9:00am PST

Agenda Item

4c) Discussion and Possible Action Including Direction to Staff Regarding "Rule 18a: Public Expression" of the Rules of Procedure of the Board of Supervisors (Sponsor: Supervisor Haschak)

   Oppose     Neutral     Support    
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    ANNEMARIE WEIBEL at February 11, 2025 at 12:15am PST

    Esteemed Supervisors,

    Having suffered through Fort Bragg City Council meetings for years where public comments were at the end the meeting the public finally had enough and did a survey. None of the other City Councils did that. So Fort Bragg had to schedule their public comment section in the beginning.

    I am against option 4, 5, and 6.

    I understand that in order for important reports by out of town guests it is hard to tell them that you have no idea when they can give their report.

    I believe that option 3 with an overall cap of 30-45 minutes with no single topic limit is the best. It will be good to count how many potential speakers are in the room, on zoom, and on the telephone and share that with the public. 1 minute is only enough to say hi and by.

    By allowing possibly 45 minutes in case there is a hot topic people who are shy or think of something to say as they hear someone else speak, or arrive later for some reason are given a chance to speak as well.

    What is very crucial is that the agenda is available 2 weeks before as is normal with many Boards of Supervisors. That way people have a chance to do research, write written comments ahead of time and be better prepared.

    Important or possibly controversial topics should not be placed on the consent calendar. If that would still be the case the public should have a chance to ask that the issue could be removed from the consent calendar in order to be able to be discussed.

    E-comments do not give enough space for comments if a time limit of 30-45 minutes is imposed. 5,000 characters is not very much for a complex situation.

    Sincerely, Annemarie Weibel